
How Do Immigrants Create Jobs?

"So, what you end up seeing is immigrants sort into jobs that Americans otherwise would not be taking." - Prof. Mobarak

"In addition to immigrants not being substitutes for American workers, they may even be complements for those workers."

In the video above, with Yale's Professor Moborak, he points out that immigrants are not a direct competition for the vast majority of American workers, and in the cases where they are, it is far better to deal with this via policies aimed at helping the native population versus strictly banning all immigration to America.

"...California farms [are] a proving ground for the Trump team’s theory that by cutting off the flow of immigrants they will free up more jobs for American-born workers and push up their wages. So far, the results aren’t encouraging for farmers or domestic workers."
- LA Times

"...immigration appears to have a positive effect when looking within sex and education groups....many immigrants do not compete directly with many US natives for jobs because they work in different sectors and live in different parts of the country."
- National Foundation for US Policy

"Our system certainly doesn’t make it easy for immigrant entrepreneurs—but still, immigrants work hard, they start businesses, and they create jobs for American workers"
- John Feinblatt, Chairman of New American Economy

"...low-skilled immigrants usually fill gaps in American labor markets and generally enhance domestic business prospects rather than destroy jobs; this occurs because of an important phenomenon, the presence of what are known as 'complementary' workers, namely those who add value to the work of others"
- New York Times

  • There is no correlation between immigration and unemployment
  • Immigrants actually create jobs as consumers and entrepreneurs
  • Immigrants and native-born workers are usually in different job markets
  • Immigration gives a small wage boost to the vast majority of native-born workers
- American Immigration Council

"Even less-educated native-born workers are not harmed by immigration, while the labor force participation rate of more-educated native-born workers increases as immigration rises."
- Immigration Impact
